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How to Brew in a Tea Infuser

Teapots or mugs with infuser baskets are the simplest way to serve premium loose leaf teas. The basket allows whole leaves to circulate and expand, while also keeping them contained and easy to clean up. Check out our demonstration in the video below.

We recommend using nonporous glass or glazed ceramic, since they will not affect the flavor of the brew. Popular cast iron pots can retain too much heat and overcook delicate teas, or can even impart a metallic flavor to the tea.

To offer your customers the opportunity for multiple infusions, the infuser basket containing the tea leaves can be removed and set aside on a plate or saucer after 2-3 minutes. Any premium tea should yield at least two or three infusions, with the second and third often being stronger in flavor than the first.

infuser baskets make it easy to stop the brewing process and steep multiple infusions