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Monkey Picked (Daily) Tieguanyin


Monkey Picked (Daily) Tieguanyin

  • 漢字 猴王鐵觀音

    origin Anxi County, Fujian

    craft nong xiang

    flavor notes walnut, floral

    漢字 猴王鐵觀音

    origin Anxi County, Fujian

    craft nong xiang

    flavor notes walnut, floral

    For years, we called this tea our "Monkey Picked" Iron Goddess of Mercy. It has remained the cornerstone of our Anxi oolong collection for almost two decades - a solid everyday tea that reminds us of the way Tieguanyins were in the past: rich, mid-oxidized, and slightly high fired.

    Harvested in Autumn, the leaf is 30% oxidized - achieved by first bruising the leaf with a bamboo drum and then allowing it to wither and oxidize. Once the proper degree of oxidation is reached, the leaves are medium roasted.

    The resulting aroma is an unforgettable comingling of roasted nuts, ripe peaches and gardenias, in a liquor that is surprisingly light and sweet.

  • Brewing Guide

    Traditional Tieguanyins are appreciated for their intense finishes, and are typically brewed towards that end, usually with a heavier hand and higher temperatures.

    To brew the Tieguanyin, we suggest using approximately 5 grams of tea leaves steeped at 200 degrees. Give the tea an initial 1 second rinse, then let steep for about 2 minutes. Decant tea when leaf clusters are half-way to two-thirds open. Steep the second infusion for 2 minutes, gradually increasing steep time for subsequent infusions.

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    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
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    temp 200 ° F
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    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min
    shop gaiwans
    Gaiwan/Teapot (6 oz.)
    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min
    shop teapots
    Teapot (12 oz.)
    leaves 6 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 3 min
    shop infusers
    Infuser Cup
    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min