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Lishan, Spring


Lishan, Spring

  • 漢字 梨山烏龍春茶

    origin Lishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, creamy

    漢字 梨山紅茶, 蜜香

    origin Lishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes floral, creamy

    Peaking at 2200 meters above sea level, Lishan is the third highest mountain amongst the 12 that make up the Lishan Range. The tea garden from which this tea is harvested lies at approximately 2000 meters (6500 feet) above sea level, an elevation that yields temperate weather in the summer and light snow fall in the winter.

    At this elevation, the tea plants are exposed to strong sunshine only in the morning before they are quickly enshrouded in mist. This short sun exposure allows the leaves to produce intense flavor compounds, but tempers the bitterness that can result from over-exposure. The cooler temperature also slows the plant's metabolism, enabling the leaves to retain and store more flavor compounds.

    This tea was hand-picked in mid-May. Unstable weather significantly lowered yields this year, but what was produced is surprisingly delicious and complex, a testament to the skill of the tea maker. In his capable hands, we have yet another exceptionally wonderful tea this year.

    Initial infusions yield a tea that is smooth and sweet with a hint of sugarcane and tropical fruits. Longer infusions yield intense floral and citrus notes over a viscous foundation of buttercream that seems to cling to our palates.

  • Brewing Guide

    The large clusters of a hand-picked Formosa oolong take time to open. Lishan seems to take longer than most. But once it does open, the bright floral and cream notes make the wait all the more worthwhile.

    To brew Lishan in a gaiwan or small tea pot, we prefer steeping 5 grams of this tea at 200 degrees for 2 minutes on the initial brew, and then increasing that in increments of 30 seconds for subsequent brews. For lighter infusions, use cooler water and increase the brew time.

    shop gaiwans
    Gaiwan/Teapot (6 oz.)
    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min
    shop teapots
    Teapot (16 oz.)
    leaves 7 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 3 min
    shop infusers
    Infuser Cup
    leaves 5 grams
    200 ° F
    2 min
    shop gaiwans
    Gaiwan/Teapot (6 oz.)
    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min
    shop teapots
    Teapot (16 oz.)
    leaves 7 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 3 min
    shop infusers
    Infuser Cup
    leaves 5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min