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Jin Xuan


Jin Xuan

  • 漢字 金萱茶王

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes peach, buttercream

    漢字 金萱茶王

    origin Alishan, Taiwan

    craft qing xiang

    flavor notes peach, buttercream

    Jin Xuan, meaning "Golden Lily" in Chinese, is a relatively new Formosa varietal developed by Taiwan's Tea Research and Extension Station in the early 1980s. The cultivar is the end result of nearly four decades of cross-breeding of several Formosa varietals to yield a tea that is distinct in character from the traditional cultivars of our Alishan, San Lin Xi, Lishan and Tung Ting.

    Our Jin Xuan comes from a high elevation garden on Alishan. Hand-gathered in May, this Spring crop has a bright floral character with an undercurrent of rich buttercream and peaches.

  • Brewing Guide

    Jing Xuan has a reputation for creaminess, but proper brewing is necessary to bring forth that character. We suggest using moderately hot water (no higher than 200 degrees), using fewer leaves and brewing for a longer amount of time - allowing the leaves to fully open before decanting.

    In a gaiwan or yixing tea pot, this means starting with 4.5 grams of tea leaves, rinsing the tea quickly with the steep water and allowing it to steep for 2 minutes. Add time to subsequent brews in 30 second increments.

    shop gaiwans
    Gaiwan/Teapot (6 oz.)
    leaves 4.5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min
    shop teapots
    Teapot (16 oz.)
    leaves 6.5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 3 min
    shop infusers
    Infuser Cup
    leaves 5.5 grams
    200 ° F
    1 min 30 sec
    shop gaiwans
    Gaiwan/Teapot (6 oz.)
    leaves 4.5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 2 min
    shop teapots
    Teapot (16 oz.)
    leaves 6.5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 3 min
    shop infusers
    Infuser Cup
    leaves 5.5 grams
    temp 200 ° F
    time 1 min 30 sec